International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Research
Plagiarism in the field of manuscript writing is a major problem everywhere. The act of copying other individual’s words, ideas, data, or even writing and submitting it off as your own, whether on purpose or accidentally, is known as plagiarism. It also includes appropriating concepts and language from other people without citing the original source properly. Using other individual’s work as your own or cut and paste text from the Internet into your work without acknowledging the original author are also considered plagiarism.
It is our expectation that all articles submitted to us will follow ethical guidelines and won't conflict with previously published or upcoming works. Plagiarism has a major negative impact on our efforts to meet strict criteria for originality, quality, and creativity in articles. We sincerely appreciate the work of others and hold our writers to the same standards.
To find plagiarism, we are employing the newest software i.e. Turnitin, and iThenticate. If any potential plagiarism is found, we shall take severe measures against the publications in question, which can include taking the articles down entirely from both our website and the websites of the databases in which we are listed and indexed. For clarification, the editors may get in touch with the authors' institution in addition to reaching out to the writers. The authors of papers that have been plagiarized might be sued by the original authors. We thus ask that all of our authors develop the manuscript of interest using a comprehensive and practical approach. Thus, any additional action regarding plagiarism concerns will not fall under the purview of the journal or publisher. The author will be held fully accountable for all the plagiarism concerns.
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