International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Research
According to the Journal's policy, writers of research publications involving human subjects must adhere to specific requirements and principles suggested in the Declaration of Helsinki's 1978. Any other relevant committee or the author's institutional board should have given its approval for the research comprising human subjects, and the name of this board together with the approval number and date must be mentioned.
Likewise, a declaration that states the following should be included in the manuscript:
"All procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human research (institutional and national) and with the Declaration of Helsinki's of 1975, as revised in 2008."
"Informed consent was obtained from all patients for being included in the study." A suitable explanation should be provided if such consent is not obtained. The institutional board's permission letter must be submitted by the authors upon request from the journal.
Research on Animals and Ethical Care
The National Research Council has policies regarding the use and maintenance of lab animals. The acceptable bounds of these standards should be followed in any research involving these animals. The manuscript should contain all pertinent information about the use of these animals in experiments and associated studies.
When doing research on humans or animals, the author must obtain institutional ethical committee approval in writing, which they then send to the journal upon request. Similar language should be used in the methods/experimental part of the publication to indicate
"All institutional and national guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals were followed."
“After obtaining approval from the institutional ethical committee and an approval number, all animal investigations were carried out.”
The permission number and date ought to be mentioned by the authors.
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